Chris Lounsbury, guitarmaker

Orbit electric guitars and custom acoustic guitars, handmade by Chris Lounsbury in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Since 2010 I have been making guitars at my home in Hamilton. Like many Canadian luthiers, I learned to make steel string acoustics from Sergei DeJonge in his very flexible course at his shop in Chelsea, QC. I will forever admire Sergei for his humble manner and wide-open mind.

For over a decade I focused entirely on crafting steel string acoustic guitars in close collaboration with my clients. Since early 2021 however, I have redirected my efforts to the first instrument I picked up, the solidbody electric. Taking inspiration from early Japanese guitars as well as from Harmony, Silvertone, Kay and even Mosrite, I endeavour to synthesize these ingredients into something of my own. My first electric design, the Orbit, provides me endless fun and excitement.